Life Alisa Walter Life Alisa Walter


Experience is not what happens to you, It’s what you do with what happens to you.

 How many of you have ever felt like what you’re going through was unbearable? You didn’t have the words to pray to the Lord, you didn’t want to or couldn’t open your bible?

If you have said yes to yourself, I want to let you know that you are not by yourself. I’ve experienced it in the past, went through this not too long ago, and that feeling will come again in the future. But we can rest assure that God is always in the midst, and He is with us everywhere we go.

Often times, when we experience difficulty, loss, heart break, or anything that causes conflict within us we forget who we belong to while we’re going through. Recently, I had a setback and it took me off guard completely. I was hurt, confused, and in awe because I was not prepared for this to come. Everything in me shut down and all of my emotions rushed from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head, and it was too much for me to handle at that time.

In the midst of me trying to wrap my head around things and figure out my next move I became very overwhelmed and I allowed fear to creep in. Everything I knew about God before went out the window and all that I have been brought through went with it as well. But luckily I was reminded to read Joshua 1:9 which reads “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (NIV).

Nothing that we go through is unbeknownst to the Father. When life takes a turn unexpectedly, He already saw it coming and is already going before you making things right. Hills and valleys are a part of life, but with each one, we are being pruned and we grow in faith and in areas God wants to stretch us. So do not fret or worry when difficulty arises, because God is the same God he was back then, He is today, and will forever be.

Remember life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon!

When I’m walking through the valley I know I am not alone
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