A small win is still a WIN
If you are reading this, we are coming closely to the final stretch of 2022!
The year has not been easy, and it has been filled with a lot of ups and downs, but you are so close to making it out. Often, the end of the year brings about a of different emotions for a multitude of different reasons but typically a lot of us feel like we didn’t accomplish enough, or we do not have anything to show. That may not be you of course, but I’ll be honest and say this has been me.
In the bible it talks about how comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s one of the truest statements. Outside of me being super hard on myself, I’ve found myself comparing my success to another individual’s success resulting in me picking apart who I am and second guessing all the strides I have made this year. And I want to remind you that we all are on different journeys and our paths will not look the same. Just as everyone has a different DNA make up, we all have different stories and paths, and depending on what you are called to do, it will look completely different. A healthy question I had to ask myself is, how do I measure success, and who am I measuring mine to.
You cannot have an end without a beginning. So, as we transition out of one year into another one, I encourage you to change the narrative and celebrate every big and small win. Do not compare those to anyone else but be PROUD of yourself because you are not where you used to be.
For some people, this year was a year of takeoff and acceleration, while for others it was a building time, growing time, spiritual elevation, and so much more. All of these, though different helped you achieve your goals in one way or another. Do not lose your momentum right now, keep going and set yourself up for even more with the new beginning headed your way.
You’ve done a good job this year!
One thing I've heard constantly throughout my life is “the truth will set you free”. Obviously when you’re young, you hear it and take it in, but you don’t fully process it until you get older and begin to fully understand.
I say all of that to say, have you taken the time to be open with God? When I say open, I’m talking about raw, uncut, no filter, tears, and all. It’s a vulnerable state to be in but it’s so worth it and I’ll share my story with you. For one, GOD CANNOT HEAL WHAT YOU DON’T REVEAL.
This is something that took me a while to grasp, but when I decided to get real with myself and God that’s when he was able to start working. Now this is not to say that God doesn’t already know everything because he does, but it allows us to fully release whatever is on us and give it to him. Surrendering it from your hand into his.
When I started being really honest with God, healing began to take place in more areas than one. Every insecurity I had, when I talked about it openly, I was comforted with peace and the word to back it up. When I was trying to break old habits and kept failing, I didn’t receive the strength needed to kick it until I was honest, when I was frustrated with my life and how things were going, I sat down, screamed, cried, and bared all. In return I got his love, correction, grace, and peace.
I gained so much when I started being raw with God and the good thing about him is that he doesn’t judge, he loves unconditionally, and he knew everything that we would struggle with in this life, so nothing is unbeknownst to him. Trust him enough to let him come in and take the weight off of your shoulders.
Stay safe and love on someone today!
If you do your best, it will all work out. Move forward in faith and confidence in the future.
Hey everyone welcome back to Chasing After Zion! I’m so excited to share this post with you all and I pray it will encourage you and touch you in any way you need it to.
These past few weeks have been rough and I have been seeking a lot of clarification about things and it wasn’t until today that everything began to click. I literally had to stop and have a moment, because I was in awe of how good God is. And when I say moment, I’m being calm about it lol because honestly, I cut up in my apartment.
When I got out of the shower today, a gospel song came on as I began to wash my face. I was staring in the mirror and began to think about my new job and the children I work with. Something stopped me and told me to go look at my vision board for 2019, and right in the middle was something I had been praying about which said, “find a job that allows me to work with children”. I began to chuckle for a minute because I realized that I now have the job I’ve prayed for, and although I have my vision board posted in a place where I see it every day, my vision had been clouded something serious during the past few weeks.
Circumstances arose where I needed to find another job and during the process of everything, I had forgot about wanting to work somewhere I was passionate about. I was thinking about survival so my passion went out of the door. As things began to unfold, for the life of me I could not understand what was going on, I was discouraged and hurt.
But today, I began to realize why everything happened the way it did. God was literally going before me and opening doors that I did not know about or could see. If my last job hadn’t taken a turn, I would not have been blessed with the opportunity I have now.
I’m saying all this to say that the Lord hears our prayers and he is allowing things to happen at a specific time for a special purpose. He is aware of everything that will happen in our lives, and he’s already prepared for when they come. Even in my unbelief, he was still working on my behalf and setting me up for something great. He continues to remain faithful when we are faithless and he sees us. He is with us every step of the way even when you cannot feel him.
It’s amazing to know that we serve a God as such. He knows the number of every single hair follicle on your head, so what makes you think he does not know what you need, or care about what’s going on in your life?
Just as he is working in my life, I believe he will do the same for you! Trust him and allow him to be God. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Experience is not what happens to you, It’s what you do with what happens to you.
How many of you have ever felt like what you’re going through was unbearable? You didn’t have the words to pray to the Lord, you didn’t want to or couldn’t open your bible?
If you have said yes to yourself, I want to let you know that you are not by yourself. I’ve experienced it in the past, went through this not too long ago, and that feeling will come again in the future. But we can rest assure that God is always in the midst, and He is with us everywhere we go.
Often times, when we experience difficulty, loss, heart break, or anything that causes conflict within us we forget who we belong to while we’re going through. Recently, I had a setback and it took me off guard completely. I was hurt, confused, and in awe because I was not prepared for this to come. Everything in me shut down and all of my emotions rushed from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head, and it was too much for me to handle at that time.
In the midst of me trying to wrap my head around things and figure out my next move I became very overwhelmed and I allowed fear to creep in. Everything I knew about God before went out the window and all that I have been brought through went with it as well. But luckily I was reminded to read Joshua 1:9 which reads “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (NIV).
Nothing that we go through is unbeknownst to the Father. When life takes a turn unexpectedly, He already saw it coming and is already going before you making things right. Hills and valleys are a part of life, but with each one, we are being pruned and we grow in faith and in areas God wants to stretch us. So do not fret or worry when difficulty arises, because God is the same God he was back then, He is today, and will forever be.
Remember life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon!
You are responsible for your own happiness
It wouldn’t be right to start this post off without first saying Happy New Year!!!!! I know some of you have been wondering where I’ve been, and when my next post would be going up, so I’m back to catch you all up on what’s been going on.
The best way I can describe why I’ve been gone is simple, one word, LIFE. Reflecting back on my 2017 year, I’ll be the first to say it was not easy. I got a couple of bumps and bruises along the way, more than a couple to be completely honestly, shed a lot of tears, lost some things and gained new things, and became a stronger woman. It was one of the hardest years for me but beautiful at the same time. So now I’m back and ready to continue on with the rest of my journey.
I’m challenging myself to change my outlook on everything in 2018, and I’m going to challenge you to do the same. Of course, it won’t be easy, people will look at you funny, you’re going to be tested, you will have some discouraging times, nor will everyone understand. But if we keep our eyes lifted up above, there’s nothing that can stand in our way. #MileFive
Man says…. Show me and I’ll trust you. God says…. Trust me and I’ll show you.
People pleasing is one of the biggest things we struggle with in today’s society! Surprisingly I never thought I’d say it because who really wants to admit that? But I have definitely found myself in many situations where I’m trying to please people, seek validation from them, go to them for counsel, and so much more. However, there’s one big problem with that, God is not in the equation.
Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with talking to friends or seeking wisdom from others. But majority of time we allow the thoughts of friends and family to really take control over our own thoughts and we get lost in that. We end up doing what they want us to do and allow them to squeeze us into their idea of who we should be. The trust we once had in God diminishes because we begin to put our trust in man because we think they have our best interest at heart. Totally forgetting about the one who’s created us, knew what we’d be before we were in the womb, the author of time, and everything in between!
If we are truly going to be who God has called us to be, and live in His will, we have to put complete trust in Him. God equips us, empowers us, and anoints us to do everything and that alone is enough.
” Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety.” (NLT)
If you want a relationship that looks and feels like the most amazing thing on earth, you need to treat it like it is the most amazing thing on earth.
Lord why am I going through this? What purpose does this actually serve? Are you even here with me? These are questions everyone has asked out loud once or twice, and if you’re like me, you’ve asked these questions multiple times.
As I have been reading the book of Job, his story has brought me some understanding and clarity on where I am in my waiting season. Everything we go through is purposeful, however it is made to show us who we are in Christ. Let me break it down a step further, trials bring light to our weaknesses.
Do we really trust in God? When things get hard do we easily give up or stay the course? Now Job was considered a man after God’s own heart, and experienced a lot of suffering, more than what a lot of us could probably handle. But God allowed Job’s suffering to increase his faith and mold him even more. Just how God allows us to go through certain experiences to grow in Him.
So, when things get tough, sit back and enjoy the ride! Of course that’s easier said then done, but God knows you better than you know yourself and see far more than we see. So I’m learning how to be patient and and respect this process and trust that God is for me, not against me. He’s setting me up for something BIG!
When you realize who you are, what you are, and who you belong to, you can always begin to find peace and understanding.
This post today will be short and sweet. I know for a fact everyone has felt like their life was a game of Whac-A-Mole!!!! And if you haven’t, let’s be real you’re not being honest with yourself. Today I felt like that old mole in the game and life was the mallet! So, to help me regain some peace, I took a moment to breathe and this scripture from Proverbs came to mind. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight (NKJV).
If you ever come to the place where I was today, here are some scriptures I like to meditate on……
James 1:2-3 (KJV)” My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”
Philippians 4:6 (KJV)” Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”
Psalms 55:22 (KJV)” Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”
Goodnight! #MileTwo
When life gives you lemons, the best thing to do is make the best darn lemonade and put your best foot forward.
Well Well Well, Let’s get down to business. Ya girl is in a waiting season, and I must say this by far has been one of the most challenging things ever (literally). But before I explain that, let’s go back a little bit. April of 2017 rolled around and I just knew that I would be walking across the stage with my class in May getting my bachelor’s degree. I took a few senior pictures, told family and friends, and I was set on being done especially because I was ready to move on from undergrad at the illustrious Fisk University. However, nothing worked out the way I had planned on it. I found out my credits were a little off, and had 3 more classes to finish. Of course, being the perfectionist, I am, and one who likes to have control I tried to take the classes elsewhere. But the GAG is, that did not go as planned either! I felt very discouraged at the time, and became depressed because I had gotten so close to graduating and I was delayed. To be completely honest, I felt like a total FAILURE.
Now I know everything happens for a reason, and I did try to tell myself that God knows what’s best, but for once I didn’t have any answers for this nor could I fix it. I had no one to really turn to for answers either, and I was worried about what other people would say, because let’s be honest…… People will criticize and judge your situation without even knowing you or your life. I did a lot of praying and crying every day because for the life of me I couldn’t see what God was doing, and why I had to wait! I remembered a scripture that was told to me by my seventh grade teacher who became one of my mentors, ” For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to give you an expected end” Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV). This scripture gave me hope again in understanding that God wants the best for me and He will alter your plans as He sees fit. So, am I waiting on God’s best for me? I guess so! I’m in a place where God wants me to fully trust and rely on Him. So, here’s my journey……. #MileOne