One of the hardest things to do is be patient and trust God’s timing, especially when we live in a time where everything happens fast and waiting is frowned upon. When you look at social media, no one talks about the struggle of things, having to wait longer than expected, so on and so forth. But I am here to tell you that when you wait on God it’s so worth it. I’ll share a bit of my story with you to put things in a deeper perspective for you.
When I first moved to Nashville I did not have a car, but at that time it wasn’t a bad thing because I was living on campus and if I needed a ride, I would catch one with a friend. When I moved off campus I still did not have a car and at that time I definitely could not afford one because I was moving into my very first apartment. Again during that time, it wasn’t a bad thing because I stayed in a central place where I could catch the bus back and forth to work and home ( funny thing is, there was a bus stop right in front of my apartment, so can we talk about God’s favor) . Now don’t get me wrong, there were times when things were rough because I would be standing outside waiting on the bus in thirty degree weather, I was always sick, I would be on the bus late at night, walking to get groceries, and the list goes on. I would pray for a car, but realistically I could not afford one.
Riding the bus was literally apart of my daily routine and there were plenty of times when I got frustrated with the process simply because I was looking at my current situation. Having to ask for rides on top of getting Lyft and Uber every day became draining because they received so much of my money I could’ve been a brand ambassador. Overall it was a lot for me but I kept pressing on. I started working two full time jobs to try and save for a car and it was all finally coming together, so I thought.
After saving some money up, I finally had a down payment ready and I found a car that I liked at CarMax. I put my payment down and they let me know when my car would be ready to pick up. When that day came, the car was actually stuck and they could not get it out of the vending machine. Each day I would call and there was still no progress with getting the car down. So due to their lack of communication I asked for my money back and decided I did not want to proceed with the purchase. I thought I saw a little glimmer of hope but that was quickly shut down, however we have to learn how to be thankful for the things that don’t work out. To my surprise one day I was overlooking the paperwork from the car dealership and noticed that I would have been paying them back double the amount of the car (I had to finance it). When I saw that, I was so grateful because that would have put me in a serious financial bind.
Fast forward to January 2020, I got my very first car which I absolutely love and I thank God daily for it. I had been without a car for about a little over six years but I could not see what God was doing. I got the car after I secured a higher paying job, I did not have to put anything down, and I walked off the lot with my blue Hyuandi Sonata GLS. You cannot tell me that God is not concerned about his children. Everything happened strategically in God’s timing. Had it happened a minuted before, I would have run into many problems I’m sure.
I got my car in January and Covid-19 showed up around late February early March. I’m not sure if it’s registering for you yet, so I’ll wait.
God knew that this pandemic was coming and that I would need a car to minimize getting sick from riding the bus daily and other things. God allowed every thing to work out for my good and it feels good to know God will block us from the things we truly want because He sees what we need in His timing.
I say all of that to say, His timing is so much better than ours, and if you want to make him laugh tell him your plans. Whatever you are waiting on, wait with expectancy and believe it’s on the way.
Stay Blessed!
If you do your best, it will all work out. Move forward in faith and confidence in the future.
Hey everyone welcome back to Chasing After Zion! I’m so excited to share this post with you all and I pray it will encourage you and touch you in any way you need it to.
These past few weeks have been rough and I have been seeking a lot of clarification about things and it wasn’t until today that everything began to click. I literally had to stop and have a moment, because I was in awe of how good God is. And when I say moment, I’m being calm about it lol because honestly, I cut up in my apartment.
When I got out of the shower today, a gospel song came on as I began to wash my face. I was staring in the mirror and began to think about my new job and the children I work with. Something stopped me and told me to go look at my vision board for 2019, and right in the middle was something I had been praying about which said, “find a job that allows me to work with children”. I began to chuckle for a minute because I realized that I now have the job I’ve prayed for, and although I have my vision board posted in a place where I see it every day, my vision had been clouded something serious during the past few weeks.
Circumstances arose where I needed to find another job and during the process of everything, I had forgot about wanting to work somewhere I was passionate about. I was thinking about survival so my passion went out of the door. As things began to unfold, for the life of me I could not understand what was going on, I was discouraged and hurt.
But today, I began to realize why everything happened the way it did. God was literally going before me and opening doors that I did not know about or could see. If my last job hadn’t taken a turn, I would not have been blessed with the opportunity I have now.
I’m saying all this to say that the Lord hears our prayers and he is allowing things to happen at a specific time for a special purpose. He is aware of everything that will happen in our lives, and he’s already prepared for when they come. Even in my unbelief, he was still working on my behalf and setting me up for something great. He continues to remain faithful when we are faithless and he sees us. He is with us every step of the way even when you cannot feel him.
It’s amazing to know that we serve a God as such. He knows the number of every single hair follicle on your head, so what makes you think he does not know what you need, or care about what’s going on in your life?
Just as he is working in my life, I believe he will do the same for you! Trust him and allow him to be God. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
“Forever God is faithful ”