You are responsible for your own happiness
It wouldn’t be right to start this post off without first saying Happy New Year!!!!! I know some of you have been wondering where I’ve been, and when my next post would be going up, so I’m back to catch you all up on what’s been going on.
The best way I can describe why I’ve been gone is simple, one word, LIFE. Reflecting back on my 2017 year, I’ll be the first to say it was not easy. I got a couple of bumps and bruises along the way, more than a couple to be completely honestly, shed a lot of tears, lost some things and gained new things, and became a stronger woman. It was one of the hardest years for me but beautiful at the same time. So now I’m back and ready to continue on with the rest of my journey.
I’m challenging myself to change my outlook on everything in 2018, and I’m going to challenge you to do the same. Of course, it won’t be easy, people will look at you funny, you’re going to be tested, you will have some discouraging times, nor will everyone understand. But if we keep our eyes lifted up above, there’s nothing that can stand in our way. #MileFive