I had another post written for you all but being over the past few days I’ve been feeling a little discouraged, I thought I’d share my own moment with you all, so you know you’re not alone.

 I was working one evening and felt a wave of different emotions come over me, the general feeling was one of discouragement because I began to feel like I was not doing enough, or I’m not where I want to be in life at this very moment. The thoughts in my head became louder than what I know to be true, so it was a very conflicting moment for me.

 I began to discredit all the work I’ve done this far and the accomplishments I have been able to achieve. My mind was literally in a battlefield, and I had to come against every negative thought with truth that I know about myself. One thing I am learning in this “birthing” season is that what I am birthing will look different compared to the next person, and that is not a bad thing.

 One individual may be birthing businesses, while you on the other hand are birthing the woman inside of you or the man inside of you. You may be birthing patience, consistency, or whatever is specific to you. But just because your birthing looks different, does not mean you aren’t still birthing or evolving. Once I was able to realize that my mind began to shift, and I was able to look at all the things that I am doing right now, that are literally propelling me into the next version of myself.

 I am exactly where I am supposed to be, and I cannot miss this season because it’s giving me everything, I will need for the next level approaching. I also had to remind myself that, what we see portrayed is almost never an accurate depiction of reality. We see the feel-good moments, and glitz and glam, but we don’t see the behind-the-scenes work of another person’s life. So, while I’m second guessing my current destination and comparing myself to another, I must remember that my journey is specific to me, and God trusts me with it. I may not be where I want to be, but I am still making daily progress in going after those desires and dreams.

 So, if you’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed or discouraged, I’m here to tell you to keep going. I know you may not feel like you are not where you are supposed to be, but trust that God is still moving on your behalf, and all these steps you are taking is needed. We cannot afford to miss any steps; your life depends on it.

 Hold your head up high because you are going to WIN!


