Humans feel a multitude of emotions such as sadness, happiness, fear, anger, and they are by far very powerful forces. However, growing up in the church as a child, I never heard anyone talk about emotions that we experience on an everyday basis, or furthermore that we can sit with our feelings and be transparent with God about every emotion and feeling.

 As an adult, I have come to realize that every human emotion I feel, is perfectly normal and I do not have to sugar coat them or hide them. We all have things we do to that aid in us being able to cope when life gets a little hard and one of my coping mechanisms is crying. Crying for me allows me to release pinned up emotions without having to even open my mouth, but it also aids in healing because the tears are being released.

 The other day, I found myself saying I’m tired of crying, but I was reminded in John 11:35 that “Jesus wept”. That scripture is the shortest verse in the bible, and it offered me so much comfort. Often, we feel like no one truly understands what we are going through but there is someone who does and that is Jesus, and he feels what we feel because he felt it to. There is nothing under the sun that we will experience that He himself hasn’t experienced first.

 The Lord created his son Jesus Christ in human form to live among the people, so in doing so that allowed him to experience every human emotion you can imagine. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, sad, whatever it may be, take rest in knowing that God truly does understand. When you cry, He cries as well, and he collects every tear. You do not have to rely on yourself or feel bad about what you feel in this lifetime, and God encourages us to be open and lay those emotions at his feet.

 It's good to know and fully understand that I am not alone in anything that I do. He truly understands. Take the limits off, and be your authentic self with him, you do not have to hide the ugly parts or appear to have everything together.

 The next time you find yourself feeling like no one understands, look towards heaven, and know there is a God who understands more thank you think.





