Faith, Life Alisa Walter Faith, Life Alisa Walter


I was driving the other day and had a reflective moment that allowed me to look at my circumstances in the past and see how I reacted to them, compared to now. In the past, any time a problem arose, I would run and try to to fix whatever problem I had instead of allowing God to help me. For example, there was a time I was looking for an apartment after college, and I literally did not know how I was going to afford rent on my own. At the time I knew I wasn’t making enough with one job, so instead of trusting that God would provide, I went ahead of him and got a second job so I would feel secure. Little did I know that I would still end up with only having one job.

 Over the years, I learned two valuable lessons. One being I was putting my faith into my job for security and income instead of trusting that God is the ultimate provider. Two, if you never learn how to sit in anything, how can you give God the opportunity to be God. I would run any time things got hard, my feelings got hurt, I was rejected, low on funds, anything you can name, I did not want to sit with any of those feelings, my first point of action was to figure out how to make sure I was good on my own.

 Fast forward to the 27-year-old I am today, I am no longer running, but sitting with everything that happens and truly trusting God to deliver my every need. I am currently sitting in my current circumstance, and this time I did not run, but rather I focused my attention on the Lord. In doing so I have gained so much peace, my spirit is calm, and I have not been filled with any anxiety.

 I have literally gone without NOTHING that I have needed, and God has been truly taking care of me. Now that doesn’t mean, don’t acknowledge your feelings and emotions, but instead don’t try to come up with a solution on your own. Give God time to show you, who he is and what he can do.

 So, to all my runners, I want to release control and try God out. Do not be hard on yourself, but ease into fully trusting God. It’s easier said than done but, put action behind it every day, and little by little you will begin to see God in a different way, as well as strengthen and encourage your spirit man.

 As always, stay blessed!

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Faith Alisa Walter Faith Alisa Walter


“'Crazy faith’ is thoughts and actions that lack reason but trusting fully in what you cannot explicitly prove.” Mike Todd

It’s been a minute but welcome back to Chasing After Zion!! I’ve been on a slight hiatus and while being on that, I had some time to reflect on some things that have occurred in my life. One of thing I’ve been able to reflect on is the prayers I have prayed and the questions I have found myself asking God.


I noticed that while growing up in the church, no one ever gave me a warning on being careful what I prayed and asked God for, and what to do when God starts to answer those prayers. But in my answered prayers I figured it out and I want to share with you all.


For starters, don’t pray big if you do not want God to move in a big way. Because as soon as you open your mouth you better believe he’s going to stir up things in your life. For example, I asked God to help me grow into having a “crazy faith” and then BOOM! When I said that prayer, I was not ready for the things to come that would push me into having to exercise my faith in a crazy way. I know you’re probably thinking in what way Alisa, well I’ll tell you; my car was stolen. I had been praying that prayer to God about increasing my faith for a while but right before my car was stolen, I had been praying about it more fervently.


Obviously in the moment of finding out my car had been stolen, I had so many emotions but after, I was able to quiet my mind and spirit and I began to say okay God, I trust you, and if you allowed this to happen, I know you knew that I would get through it and trust you. My heart posture after became one of thanksgiving and worship because it could’ve been worse but more importantly, I was at peace because I truly believed the words, I said out loud to him and I reminded myself of all the other times he’s kept me and delivered.


I say all of that to say, I believe God wants all of us to see him in bigger ways than what would be considered normal for us. He has so much he wants to show us and do in us and through us, but we must operate from a place of FAITH. If you truly trust him like you say you do, be prepared to stand on that, and allow him to show you just who He is.


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