How many of you have ever received a warning before something bad happened? I am going to raise both of my hands to this question because not only have I seen it in my life, but it is a recurring theme in the Bible.

The definition of “warning” is a statement or event that indicates a possible danger, problem, or unpleasant situation especially one in the future. When we are driving we see stop signs that are colored red to let us know to stop at certain crossings, before crossing over a railroad track, lights will flash to let you know the train is coming through, at work you may get a warning before receiving a write-up, and the list goes on. But what do you do when God gives you a warning and you do not take heed?

The best people to study regarding this would be the Israelites. Throughout the Bible, God gave the Israelites many many warnings through various prophets and leaders. Some of those warnings were about turning away from sin, disobedience to His commandments, and idolatry. Now, God in His merciful nature, consistently warned the Israelites of his impending judgment should they continue to walk in rebellion, and sometimes they did despite the warnings that were given.

Even in looking at how God treated the Israelites, we see His true nature and desire for all mankind. God is both compassionate and just, and He longs for us to turn away from sin and be restored in relationship with him. God’s warnings are motivated by love and provide us with the opportunity to repent and transform, and in that comes redemption.

I have received so many warnings from God and chose to actively walk in rebellion, and unfortunately, I have had to suffer the consequences of my actions. My consequences did not feel good, however, God loved me enough to let me experience the pain so that I could learn the lesson and take heed to the warnings early on. Nonetheless, they ultimately turned me back to God and in those moments he also brought me restoration.

I simply say all this to say, don’t wait for what’s on the other side of the warning! Take heed now, and listen, because disobedience is costly!

Don’t take God’s love for granted and know that every warning set in place is only to PROTECT YOU!
