Once upon a time, three little pigs decided to build their own houses…. I know you all know the rest of that fairy tale, but if you don’t let me give you a brief introduction. Each pig built their house using different materials such as straw, sticks, and the last bricks. When the big bad wolf came along he huffed and puffed and blew the first house made of straw, he continued to go along and found the second home made of sticks and blew that one down too. He later came across the third house made of bricks and no matter how much he huffed and puffed he could not blow the brick house down because it was STABLE.

Now in our lives, we have another “big bad wolf” known as the enemy, who is seeking to devour and destroy at all costs. But when you have built your house on a solid foundation you can withstand the blows that come your way because you are planted. Building a strong foundation is not something that comes quickly, it takes a lot of hard work, combined with making the right choices as you grow in Christ and continue to mature.

What does that hard work look like you ask?

The beginning of a solid foundation is accepting Christ as your savior because a personal relationship with Him is essential. Then you have to actively engage in scripture so you gain wisdom and more understanding. Next comes staying in constant communication with Him through prayer. Add living out your faith and putting it into action as you continue to build. Now you cannot do this all on your own, it requires you to have some support so you will need to connect with other believers so you can stay strengthened and encouraged and have accountability. Last but not least, practice love and obedience to God’s commands.

When you put all of those elements into your life, you have built a solid home on a solid foundation that will help you stand strong through life’s trials and remain steadfast in your faith.

We are building our homes BRICK BY BRICK!

He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.” Luke 6:48


